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My name is Taylor, I am a mother of two children, who had to step away from her career to help take care of her elderly grandparents, to which my grandmother recently passed away in March, 2023. My grandmother always had a niche for arts and crafts, and always asked me to join in, or even to just give my opinion on something she had created.

My grandmother was a huge impact on my life, and one of my very best friends. She was a lover of many things, mostly cats, black ones to be exact. We always watched the movies Hocus Pocus and Practical Magic together, which eventually grew my love for Witches. Frequently, she let me take her seasonings and a can of soup or two, and make my own "potions" on the stove. I've always had a thing for rocks and crystals, and learning their true meaning and abilities. She bought me my own rock sorting compartments, and supported anything I had in mind. I know that if she was still here today. she would support this dream too!

With the spare time that had opened up with leaving my career, I have decided to dedicate some time to myself, and pursuing what i like to do best which is craft. And as of recently, I have found a love in the craft of pouring wax candles. and expirimenting with scents and colors. Like our own laboratory as adults. Without further adue, I introduce you to The Witches Brew Candle Co! Thanks for joining us ♥

• Established August 2023 •